“Going Back to Work Safely” is an initiative powered by The ROC, professionals in the events business.
Who are we,
and why do we do this?
Going back to work after the Corona crisis.
“Going Back to Work Safely” is an initiative powered by The ROC, professionals in the events business
In our line of work, the events world, we know the importants of people, we know safety, understand deadlines and are used to find solutions that work.
We want to help the economy to recover a quickly as possible.
You can use us as your one-stop-shop for your re-activation.
With the different packages we have developed and continuously update, we have an answer to the most common issues. In case you don’t find the answer to your specific problem, feel free to contact us.
With our problem-solving mindset and out of the box thinking, we will find a solution.
Get in touch by phone, mail, book a free brainstorm session or when possible we come over to visit your site.
To who do we reach out? Who can benefit from these services?
Business, companies or factories who want to relaunch their activities.
Schools in need of creative solutions to ensure social distancing.
Centres for assisted living, where the guests are now deprived from their vistors.
Suppliers: If you are a supplier and also have a solution, don’t hesitate, contact us. We would be more than happy to include it in our portfolio.

Erwin Dielens
An expert in events, meetings, congresses, and live communication with a track record of 20 years, of which a big majority in the international b2b environment. A creative mind but with both feet firmly on the ground.
If you want to know about our other projects, check out www.theroc.eu